Ehcp User levels explained

Question: hi, any professional know, does ehcp permits regular user to use ehcp in firefox? if so, how to set the user account, which is limited to use admin fuction when this user login into ehcp through a remote computer…

Info needed before asking something

When you ask something for support to ehcp, please provide following information along with your question/support request: * What is version of your Ubuntu ? (cmd: cat /etc/*ele* )* what version of ehcp did you install ? which file ?…

Ehcp Server/Memory usage

Below some memory usage info,note that ehcp core daemon has about 40Mb only.Mosth other memory usage is due to apache, dns, mail, etc…Also note that, some memory usage on top command is used bu system cache..sysinfo in ehcp gui shows…

Feature Requests

This will be an index of all feature requests, in fact, we should use launchpad blueprints or github for feature requests…Please either use launchpad blueprints, or post a new forum topic in “feature requests” subforum in our forums..for this time:…

Ehcp Installation for a newbie

Question: I’m running an ubuntu server at my house and I’d like to easily set up websites and manage MySQL DB’s. It looks like this control panel can help me with all that, but I want to be sure that…

DNS Related Topics/Issues

Question by forcevision: Now I dont have any dns server any more frome my webhost how do I fix dns on ehcp ? ksga: You have to check with your hostmaster.For example if you have an .DK domain, you need…

Ehcp General Problem Solving Guide

This article is about general problem solving,will guide you to “how to solve problems in ehcp.” In fact, ehcp is, as name implies, very easy to install and use, compared to most other panels. However, not everything goes fine in…

Howto Debug Ehcp

in many cases, debuging your system and ehcp may help you resolve your problem.Either your problem is email, or domains, or anything else, following steps may help you to resolve your problem. a console on your server, then enter:sudo…

Ehcp Features

Ehcp is a Hosting Control Panel.Ehcp is a tool in a server to facilate the process of hosting domains, emails, adding domains, ftp users and so on. ehcp General Features: new with 0.29.12: Important information/posts on this site:If you need…