Moving forward with ehcp, Multi-Server, representatives

(Sory if you received multiple emails about this.)

We are moving forward with ehcp. Designing new features, new concepts. Now, I am working hard on multi-server concepts, with the idea helps of securitywonks and other friends/sponsors. With multi server ehcp, you will be able to control multiple web/dns servers from one single point, effectively.

At the same time, I am trying to shape ehcp to be more structured both coding and team. So, I am now looking for some people to be responsible/head/executive for specific tasks of ehcp. They will coordinate accordingly tasks.

(Sory if you received multiple emails about this.)

We are moving forward with ehcp. Designing new features, new concepts. Now, I am working hard on multi-server concepts, with the idea helps of securitywonks and other friends/sponsors. With multi server ehcp, you will be able to control multiple web/dns servers from one single point, effectively.

At the same time, I am trying to shape ehcp to be more structured both coding and team. So, I am now looking for some people to be responsible/head/executive for specific tasks of ehcp. They will coordinate accordingly tasks.

I am looking for:
Documentation responsible/head/executive,
Testing responsible/head/executive,
Programming responsible/head/executive, (actually this is new at moment)
Security responsible/head/executive,
graphical/html/visual designer responsible/head/executive,
Sponsors/Advertise/Financial affairs head, (currenlty, biggest sponsor is securitywonks)
other related people..

Also, world/continental/country representatives for ehcp,
Representative for America continent,
Representative for Asia continent,
Representative for Europe continent,
Representative for Africa continent,
Representative for oceania continent,
Representative for Antarctica continent,
(All volunteer)

If anybody wants to join the team, please contact me. All will be volunteer. In future we may have some good points in this project, all together.