Ruby on Rails in ehcp ?



I am interested in using ehcp for a new hosting server solution. But my requirements are specific to ruby on Rails or ruby.

I gather it may be, but will it be possible to add RoR to the ehcp system? We probably need to add something like passenger for the hosting of the sites. If you can give me a small manual of how you integrate things maybe I can do it or get someone who knows rails better than me to do it. This would make your product really popular amongst rails developers i think.

Answer :



I am interested in using ehcp for a new hosting server solution. But my requirements are specific to ruby on Rails or ruby.

I gather it may be, but will it be possible to add RoR to the ehcp system? We probably need to add something like passenger for the hosting of the sites. If you can give me a small manual of how you integrate things maybe I can do it or get someone who knows rails better than me to do it. This would make your product really popular amongst rails developers i think.

Answer :

I think, it will be possible to add support for RoR system to ehcp.
ehcp is not a much different system than Ubuntu.
ehcp uses basicly Ubuntu (debian based) as Operating system.
and, ehcp installs so that standard installs for Ubuntu is done, in normal, standard way.
So, a server with ehcp installed, is actually a normal Ubuntu server (or even desktop)

As a result: Since RoR should be installable on Ubuntu, which is most famous Linux distro now, and ehcp uses Ubuntu as base, I think RoR may be integrated to use with ehcp.

How to implement/install:
Normally, I do not know much about RoR (ruby on rails), but, anyone who knows about it, I am sure, can install it on an Ubuntu (in which ehcp installed).
Just follow normal installation instructions for an Ubuntu system.
In fact, any software may be installed on top of Ubuntu/ehcp, as long as any software packages installed with ehcp is not damaged/deleted.

The key question here is: What special functions do you ask from ehcp for a normal RoR installation/usage ? I mean, what function needed in a hosting control panel, to be able to use ruby on rails ? nothing or many thing?
If you describe me those things, (such as some special apache configs or other settings for each domain) I will try to implement it ehcp.

Since ehcp is designed in a modular,easy,php way, I think it will be possible to adapt it to RoR. Just describe me what to do for Ror to work.

May I ask you (since I do not know much about RoR):
What is advantage of RoR mainly ? why do you prefer/request that ?

To integrate in ehcp, any specific config of apache or other:

edit apachetemplate file in ehcp dir,
that file is applied to all domains in system automatically.
just keep some tags like {domainname}

after editing that file, go to ehcp gui->option->sync domains

That way, you will get apache config changed.

To install RoR things, I suggest you to use normal Ubuntu’s apt-get install statements..

Thanks for your interest in ehcp.