#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Ftp server using python, Authenticate users through ehcp database in mysql. For use instead of vstfpd or other ftp server in ehcp. Being tested now. pip install pyftpdlib apt-get install clamav freshclam """ import logging from classapp import Application from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer # On error: pip install pyftpdlib from pyftpdlib.authorizers import AuthenticationFailed from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer import os,pwd,grp try: ftpuid = pwd.getpwnam("vsftpd").pw_uid ftpgid = grp.getgrnam("www-data").gr_gid except Exception, e: print "Ftp kullanıcı ve grup tanımları yok.. " raise infected_dir="/var/www/new/infected" """ if not os.path.exists(infected_dir): os.mkdir(infected_dir) """ virus_scan=False # clamav şuanda, en küçük dosyada bile 15 sn civarında sürüyor, bu haliyle kullanılması zor. class My_Handler(FTPHandler): def on_file_received(self, file): print "file received:",file os.chown(file, ftpuid, ftpgid) if virus_scan: os.system("clamscan --move={} {}".format(infected_dir,file)) def on_incomplete_file_received(self, file): print "incomplete file received:",file os.chown(file, ftpuid, ftpgid) if virus_scan: os.system("clamscan --move={} {}".format(infected_dir,file)) class Ehcp_Authorizer(DummyAuthorizer): def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler): initdb() wh="ftpusername='{}' and password('{}')=`password`".format(username,password) say=app.kayitsayisi("ftpaccounts",wh) #print wh,say if say==0: raise AuthenticationFailed("") else: print "validate_authentication: Login OK... " def initdb(): try: app.conn.execute("select now()") except: print "yeniden bağlanıyor.." app.connecttodb() app=Application() authorizer = Ehcp_Authorizer() q="select * from ftpaccounts" for i in app.query(q): homedir=i['homedir'] if homedir in [None,'']: homedir="/var/www/vhosts/"+i['ftpusername'] print "User defined:",i['ftpusername'],homedir if not os.path.exists(homedir): os.mkdir(homedir) authorizer.add_user(i['ftpusername'],i['password'],homedir, perm="elradfmw") #print authorizer.user_table handler = My_Handler handler.authorizer = authorizer handler.banner = "Welcome to pyFTP Server, managed by EHCP (Easy Hosting Control Panel, www.ehcp.net )" logging.basicConfig(filename='/var/log/ehcp_ftpd.log', level=logging.INFO) server = FTPServer(("", 21), handler) server.serve_forever()